The airframe and powerplant technology curriculum is specifically designed for students who wish to concentrate on the mechanical skills involved in airframe and powerplant maintenance operations. It is approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as preparation for the airframe and powerplant (A&P) certificate.
Students gain practical hands-on laboratory experience and develop skills in the servicing, repair and maintenance of airframe structures and powerplants, including accessory and system components. FAA- certified technicians are responsible for maintaining all aircraft in airworthy condition. FAA technicians also obtain positions in aircraft manufacturing and related industries. Students holding either an airframe or powerplant license, or who have advanced standing toward those licenses, may be eligible to enroll in academic courses while pursuing their airframe and powerplant certification at the discretion of the department.
FAA certification requires the completion of basic skills courses in the areas of mathematics, science and technical drawing. Below is a suggested semester sequence for the AOS 16-month (four-semester) program.